Bar Meetings



Join Us for Lunch!

Thursday, January 16th          11:30am to 1pm

We will be discussing Human Resources and Employment law with our guest, Amie Remington (LandrumHR)

Thursday, February 20th         11:30am to 1pm

Thursday, March 20th              11:30am to 1pm

Thursday, April 17th                11:30am to 1pm

Click Here to Register






As the ESRBA resumes in-person functions and events, please note that we will do everything in our power to promote the safety and well-being of our members, guests, staff and vendors. For real-time information on local transmission levels, preventative recommendations, treatments and testing, visit


We ask that all event attendees act with personal responsibility, including not attending if you or anyone in your household is not feeling well and/or has experienced any COVID-like symptoms in the 10 days prior to an event.


ESRBA events/functions shall follow current CDC guidelines. We acknowledge there are a variety of opinions on almost any topic, however, we are guided by the words of our mission statement:– “to provide outstanding service to its members, to assist them in serving the profession and the community, to make the association indispensable to the bench and bar, and to preserve and promote Escambia & Santa Rosa Counties as a unique place to practice law in a culture of camaraderie, collegiality, competence, and mutual trust.”


Knowledge & Networking
Our Bar meetings provide opportunities for professional development and relationship building. Our meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month . The cost, which includes lunch, is $25 for Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association members. Advance registration and payment is required. The meetings are held at V Paul's Italian Ristorante, 29 Palafox Place, from 11:30am until 1 p.m.